Focusing Knight Foundation Network Investments

In 2015, networks of all types were emerging as a central theme in amplifying the impact of Knight Foundation’s program work. As the foundation’s network-related work expanded, program staff had questions about where to focus their investments. Referencing Knight’s current body of work and applying the C-A-P Framework, Network Impact demonstrated that the foundation’s programs concentrated principally on connecting and aligning key actors, rather than on fostering collaboration. In a subsequent workshop at the foundation, Network Impact facilitated a discussion among program staff about the implications of network investing along the C-A-P continuum. The workshop began with a review of basic concepts and approaches in the field of social impact network building, and then addressed these top questions for funders:

  • What value can network organizing provide in advancing a funders’ strategy for achieving social impact goals?

  • What outcomes can be anticipated from investing in networks with different C-A-P functions or networks at different stages of development?

  • How can funders assess the effectiveness of networks or network connections they invest in?

Knight Foundation staff used insights from workshop discussions to shape foundation program planning going forward.

Project engagement: 2015


Rural People Rural Policy


Networks for Integrating New Americans