Connect > Innovate > Scale Up: How Networks Create System Change

“Entrepreneurs and inventors are no smarter, no more courageous, tenacious, or rebellious than the rest of us—they are simply better connected.” - Andrew Hargadon

The authors of Connecting to Change the World just released a book that provides practical frameworks, case examples and advice for networks that are developing innovations and scaling them to promote systems change. 

Our new book provides frameworks, insights, and advice about building systems-changing networks to develop social innovations and take them to scale. Tapping into the experiences of more than 20 successful networks, we tackle five key topics in depth:

  • Systems change

  • Development of social innovations

  • Pathways to scale

  • Design of networks

  • Social innovation network leadership.

Social innovation is demanding, uncertain, and prolonged work. Those of us who have chosen this systems-changing work can benefit from knowing the lived experiences, practical knowledge, lessons learned, and stories of other practitioners and experts. Connect > Innovate > Scale Up fills a know-how gap in the social innovation field. It provides world-tested knowledge that can feed your confidence and hope and guide thought and action. Most important, it proclaims something we all want to hear: you are not alone and you can make a difference.

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"Networks are the way that social innovation happens. This is not widely recognized. Instead, we are usually told that “lone genius” inventors supply innovations to the rest of us. Look closely, though, and you’ll see that behind successful innovations there are networks, not single individuals...”

Wild Awake

We are launch experts + legacy builders for ambitious women who better the world✨

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