
OpenNews is a global network of more than 1,100 developers and designers working in journalism who are strengthening relationships across organizations and collaborating on open source technologies to build a more equitable future for journalism. The network’s multi-pronged strategy included a fellowship program, peer-exchange events and an online community hub. Network Impact completed an assessment that documented the growth of the network and highlighted outcomes for journalists, their organizations and the larger field as a result of the network. The evaluation informed the Knight Foundation’s continuing investment as well as other funder’s investments in OpenNews. Evaluation findings also helped network organizers hone strategies to align network programming with member-identified opportunities to advance newsroom change.

Subsequently, Network Impact worked with the network’s coordinators to develop an annual “News Nerds”  census that continues to be a key resource for members by providing relevant data on the state of the field.

Project engagement: 2016 – 2018


Catalyzing Impact in Early Childhood Development


Stronger Families, Stronger Futures (SF2)