Regional Networks to End Homelessness Evaluation Report

It’s rare to see evaluations that thoroughly address both a network’s development and its impact on external stakeholders as well as other outcomes. The evaluation of the Regional Network to End Homelessness pilot in Massachusetts stands out as a comprehensive effort that combined the monitoring of network development with an examination of the connection between network-based implementation of innovations to prevent homelessness and the outcomes achieved.

A final evaluation report describes the progress of the Regional Networks toward goals set out by the Interagency Council for Housing and Homelessness (ICHH), including reducing the need for shelter and achieving housing placement outcomes and increasing opportunities for broad-based discussion with diverse stakeholders. Following a brief introduction and background sections, the report summarizes findings of the evaluation and offers recommendations for long and short term action. The evaluation informed the United Ways of Massachusetts and the ICHH’s decision to commit $1 million to support network coordination in all regions through the following fiscal year. The state legislature subsequently, approved Home BASE, a program that builds on the innovations successfully used in the pilot.

Download the executive summary or the full report can be downloaded  here.

You can also find a more detailed description of the network evaluation component of the overall evaluation in Evaluating Networks for Social Change: A Casebook


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